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The immune system of a lot of people is failing to distinguish between healthy cells from invading microorganisms. This is leading to more suffering across the globe. Instead of protecting them from illness their organs and tissues are attacked by these same defenses.

International research efforts are intensifying to combat this trend. An instance is the London Francis Crick Institute initiative in which James Lee and Carola Vinesa who are world-renowned experts in this field, have created separate research groups to assist in determining the exact nature of the autoimmune disorders.

Lee stated that cases of autoimmune disease are on the rise since around 40 years ago in the West. But, we're now witnessing some cases emerge in countries that never had the disease before.

For instance, the Middle East/East Asia has seen the largest recent rise in the number of inflammatory bowel disease cases. They'd never heard of this disease prior to.

Type 1 diabetes can be accompanied by rheumatoid and multiple sclerosis. In each case the immune system becomes confused and shifts to healthy tissue over infective agents.

There are at most 4,000,000 people suffering from autoimmune disorders in the UK as well as some suffering from multiple. It is estimated that autoimmune conditions increase by anywhere from 3to 9 percent per year worldwide. Numerous researchers believe that environmental factors play the major factor in this growth.

Human genetics haven't changed over the last few years, according to Lee, who was previously based at Cambridge University. There must be something outside that is causing our predisposition to autoimmune disease.

This idea was backed by Vinuesa who was an instructor at the Australian National University. She highlighted the changes in food habits as more countries adopted western-style eating habits and people ate much more fast-food.

Vinuesa said that the absence of vital ingredients in fast-food meals could result in a decrease in the intake of essential nutrients, like fibre.

These changes in our microbiomes are then triggering an autoimmune disease, and more than 100 types have been identified.

The two scientists also stressed that each person is at risk of developing these illnesses including celiac Lupus, and various other illnesses such as celiac which trigger inflammation and swelling and can cause serious damage to the organs of various.

Vinuesa clarified that autoimmune diseases aren't something you could be diagnosed with if you don't have a particular genetic susceptibility. There is nothing we can stop the spread of fast-food chains around the globe. Instead, we're trying to understand the genetic mechanisms behind the autoimmune diseases and why some people are susceptible to it. "We would like to tackle the issue at this level."

Modern technology has made it possible to identify tiny differences in DNA across large populations of people. This allows them to identify common genetic patterns among those suffering from an autoimmune disorder.

Lee said that we did not have the tools to sequence DNA until recently. But, today we do have the incredible capability to sequence DNA on large scales, which has had a profound impact to our daily lives. My study revealed that there were around six DNA variants that were involved in the trigger of inflammatory bowel diseases. There are now more than 250.

This is at the center of the work done by Lee and Vinuesa. They are trying to understand the functions of different genetic pathways and uncover the various types of diseases scientists are currently researching. Vinuesa explained that there may be multiple variants of conditions that cause autoimmune disease, such as Lupus. If you're trying to determine the most effective treatment for your condition for your condition, this could be an issue.

There are a variety of treatments being developed but we don't know what patients to give them. We don't even know what type of disease the patient has. And that is now an important goal of the research into autoimmune diseases. It is essential to understand how to group and stratify patients so that we can provide them with the appropriate therapy.

Lee explained that, with the increase in autoimmune diseases across the globe, new treatments and drugs are now needed more urgently than ever. It's not possible to treat autoimmune illnesses. This happens when young people are trying to finish their education and get their first job and start families.

This means that more people are going to need surgery, or will have to undergo regular injections throughout their lives. This can be extremely stressful for patients and put stressing the health care system. So, it is essential to come up with effective and novel methods of treatment.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. It's caused when the immune system attacks healthy tissue in the body. It's unclear what triggers this.

The immune system usually produces Click here antibodies that attack viruses and bacteria, assisting to fight off infection.

Your immune system may accidentally send antibodies to joints when you suffer from Rheumatoid. The antibodies attack surrounding tissue.

The thin layer of cells (synovium) that cover your joints to become swollen and inflamed, which releases chemicals that harm nearby tissues:


cartilage is the connective tissue between bones

Tendons are connective tissue Read More that connects bone to muscle.

Ligaments The ligaments are the tissues that connects the cartilage to bones.

If rheumatoid joint disease isn't treated, the chemicals slowly make the joint change form and align. Eventually, it can destroy the joint completely.

There have been many theories as to why the immune systems attacks the joints. One theory is that an infection might trigger. However, none of these theories have been confirmed.

Possible risk factors

There are several things which can increase your chances of developing rheumatoid, such as:

the genes you carry - there's evidence to suggest that arthritis may run in families, although the likelihood of passing it on is believed to be minimal because genes are thought to play a tiny influence on the condition.

Hormones - Rheumatoid Arthritis is more common for women than in males. It could result from the effect of Oestrogen. However, this link is not yet established.

Smoking - Evidence suggests that smokers are more likely develop rheumatoidarthritis.

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